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Our Water Fiasco

Disclaimer: This isn't a well-written piece. It's more like my journal entry. Thank you for reading and praying.

I spent most of 2018 at the doctor. Unexplained rashes, infections, and breathing difficulties were just a few of the ailments. Holly too, who already struggles with auto-immune health, had an infection that wouldn't quit. The doctors were puzzled, as test after test revealed no disease, yet symptom after symptom kept persisting. And those symptoms began causing secondary issues. I've felt like an 80 year old in a not-yet-40 year old body. Yet I'd see 80 years olds who were getting around with better! I couldn't move, breath, lift, or bend without assistance. The things I relied on for enjoyment and worship, such as singing and dancing, were impossible for me. Holly had gone back for treatment #12 for a fungal infection that is usually cleared up after treatment #3. In addition to medicines and doctors, we were using regimens of natural therapies too, like essential oils, high quality supplements, whole 30 style diet, and physical therapy + massage. Yet things didn't improve.
I remember clearly the Lord waking me up one night mid-September and impressing upon me to pray this prayer, "Lord, take this from me." So I got on my knees and prayed it with all my heart. We saw Holly's doctor a day or two later, and He, a strong believer in Christ and exasperated with the lack of her progress, prayed in the exam room that she would be healed.
A few days later, the pump that powers our water well broke. We had spent literally thousands of dollars on health care this year, and replacing the pump was a costly expense. At the time, we didn't think of this instance as an answer to prayer, but instead it felt like one more major hit when we were already at a low point.
But now, we see that mark as an obvious and immediate answer to those specific prayers.
The removal of the pump revealed a literal cesspool of algae that had been infiltrating our water. The excessive rains in Pennsylvania during 2018 had exacerbated a problem that had been lying under the surface all along. All the recent health problems that seemed to have non-related causes could be associated with exposure to water pollution when drinking and showering, and when we stopped exposing ourselves to the water, some of the conditions improved immediately! Holly's infection went away that very week. My "unspecified dermatitis," which I'd had a biopsy of and seen a specialist for, cleared up. It had been so extreme and painful that I had purchased all new clothes to wear that didn't rub or irritate. That rash had been bothering me for 18 months, and within one month of not showering at home, it disappeared. Karl, Violet, and Titus had much milder skin issues which also went away.
After we discovered the cause, the water pollution could be linked to most of our health problems.

There are so many ways that we saw God's hand through the ordeal, like His provision of a Christian well-company owner who dedicated his company to the project when other companies ignored it. We saw Him provide a crazy amount of dollars through overwhelming generosity. God provided enough to fix the water and to pay back the stacked medical bills from the year! We are beyond humbled and grateful. Words can't express.

Once we realized the water was contaminated, we ceased using it, but it took several weeks before it was restored. For almost 2 months, we showered at the local YMCA, purchased water for drinking and cooking, did laundry elsewhere (we saw gracious provision here too as friends and family volunteered to do some for us). We brushed our teeth using Dixie cups. It was a bit like camping in our own home. The weather changed, and we all bundled up in coats to go shower at the Y. The experience changed all of us. We have a gratefulness for running water that we've never had before, and a compassion for those ministries who help provide water as a means of sharing the Gospel. We are more thankful too for our time at home. Having to do the daily tasks outside of the house took a lot of our time. We were maxed out and didn't have as much time for relaxing or socializing.  Having that time again feels like a breath of freedom.

We'd still love your prayers for us while we continue to recover.  Several of our medical conditions are not so quickly resolved. Holly's autoimmune struggles make her systems fragile. She is currently out of balance in several areas, which leaves her feeling sluggish, nauseous, and anxious most days. Please pray for God to heal her and restore balance.
For me, we feel fairly certain now that my asthma was triggered by the polluted steam from the showers + the PA outdoor mold from the excessive rains, and it's a condition that isn't easily reversed.  I've also been doing PT since March when I injured my back. I have reinsured it several times, and the process of healing has been slow. My doctor said that the back trouble is a secondary result of the respiratory troubles. The labored breathing effects muscular health, and I'm stiff and more prone to injury. My ability to sing and dance haven't returned, but my prayer is that one day they will.

But my heart sings and dances for the Lord, who so obviously cares for us, and who is obviously still calling us to this life of ministry.

During the water fiasco and the health problems, we personally trained 3,000 students how to share their faith. We've had opportunities to spread God's Word in all the ways-- relationships, small groups, large conferences, mission trips, and through digital internet strategies. We seriously have no greater joy than to do His will, and our prayer is that our kids experience the same joys and never resent our ministry calling. So far, God is faithful to answer those prayers, and our kids are growing in gratitude and in their hearts for the world. Our marriage has never been stronger, and Karl has been a constant source of support and protection during a season when I'm incapable of doing basic things like carrying the groceries in from the car.

I'm meditating on Psalm 84, which says that The Lord withholds no good thing from those who walk in integrity, so I trust that this ordeal has been for our good, and we're asking that in His goodness, He would restore health to Holly and me. We would be so appreciative if you would pray this for us also. Thank you!


  1. Satan attacks those who do God's work. Thank you for sharing. I admire your perseverance. Praying for you and Holly. <3


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