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Showing posts from May, 2016

4 Spiritual Laws

Almost 60 years ago, a man named Bill Bright surveyed students at a prestigious university in California. As he reviewed the answers to the surveys, he learned that many many people wanted to know God but they didn't know how, and this broke his heart SO MUCH that he wept in his office, even in front of his staff. Because those students were intelligent, and keenly aware of the laws of science, he set to write a concise explanation of the laws of spirituality so that those who DID want to know could easily learn. Through his endeavor, literally millions have realized their desire to know God personally! This video has brought to life his words, and is beautifully reminiscent of the timbre of his own gentle voice. Whether you know God already, or want to know Him, may these humble words bless you today. Bill Bright founded Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951 on the UCLA campus. God grew his step of faith into 60+ ministries in 200 countries around the globe. It began and continues ...

Falling Plates Short Film

We love to watch and discuss short films. In a short amount of time, they can evoke deep emotions, create a shared experience, and give context for quality conversations. Our favorite Gospel-themed short film is Falling Plates, and last summer, I started asking around with my connections to see if we could get this film translated into Italian. A task team was formed, and in April, it was complete! We showed it during our weekly discussion night at our home, and we had great conversations about who Christ is. You can watch the film in English or Italian . Or if your first language is something else, there are options for many others at the bottom. At the end, there is an opportunity to respond to the film with your thoughts and even sign up for a free weekly email series containing 24 essential truths about Christ!